Monday, 25 August 2014

Fevtival time

Ganpati bappa morya.....second last order before we reach Ganesh Chathurti......and then we are set for Navratri......
Thanks to all our clients for supporting the concept of Upcycled Baskets. 

To place your order.
Whatsapp on   0097337728960
Call on 9371009130
Call on 00973-33839227
Email on

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Bead Coasters

The bead art. We have some lovely coasters and table mats.
set of six Rs.350.
Placemat prices depends on sizes.
Whatsapp on -  0097337728960
Call on 00973-33839227
Call on 0091- 9371009130

Want to buy our handmade products?

To buy our products you can.
1. Connect with us on whatsapp -  0097337728960
2. If in Bahrain call on 0097333839227. 
If in India call on 9371009130.
3. Email us on or

Colourful and catchy

Some of our work appreciated by our customers.

Busy July

July 2014 kept us extremely busy with work.  Which still continues.

Very happy to be busy.